“The Butterfly” – My Experience
“The Butterfly” is a famous poem written by Pavel Friedmann during the Holocaust. Although he was 21 when he composed the poem, it is often associated with childrens' art from that time period. Pavel Friedmann was born on January 7th, 1921 . He was deported to Theresienstadt on April 26th, 1942 , and wrote the poem on June 4th, 1942 while in the concentration camp. Pavel Friedmann died on September 29th, 1944 at Auschwitz . He was 23 years old.
I memorized “The Butterfly” to read to visitors at the “Treasures and Testimonies” museum. My teacher, Mrs. Simon, showed the poem to me. I had never heard it before, but once I saw it, I knew I had to memorize it. It was just so beautiful. I felt I owed it to the young man who wrote the poem. He didn’t get to live his life, but his voice can live on forever.
-Erica Bracey
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