Prejudice and Genocide: Movies

The Boy in Striped Pajamas (2008)
A fictional story. Directed by Mark Herman.
The Counterfeiters (2007)
A non-fictional story. Directed by Stefan Ruzowitzky.

Freedom Writers (2007)
Based on a true story. Directed by Richard LaGravenese.

Sophie Scholl - the Final Days (2005)
A non-fictional story. Directed by Marc Rothemund.

Imaginary Witness' (2004)
A documentary on Hollywood and the Holocaust. Directed by Daniel Anker.

The Pianist (2002)
Based on a true story. Directed by Roman Polanski.

Anne Frank - The Whole Story (2001)
Based on a true story. Directed by Robert Durnhelm.

The Last Days (1998)
Based on a true story. Directed by James Moll.
*Special note: Roles are played by the actual Holocaust survivors.*

Schindler's List (1993)
Based on a true story. Directed by Steven Spielberg.

Europa Europa (1991)
Based on a true story. Directed by Aghieszka Holland.

Jud Suss' (1940)
Nazi propaganda film. Directed by Veit Harlan.

Olympia (1938)
Nazi propaganda film. Directed by Leni Riefenstanhl.

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